- “Endogenous Default in a DSGE Framework with Liquidity and Production”, (with K. Ahn and C.A.E. Goodhart), mimeo, University of Oxford, Saïd Business School, 2013.
- “Policy Uncertainty and Endogenous Default”, (with K. Ahn and L. Wang), mimeo, University of Oxford, Saïd Business School, 2013.
- “Liquidity and Asset Prices”, (with R. Espinoza), OFRC fe-28, University of Oxford, Saïd Business School, 2008. (new working title: "Monetary Transaction Costs and the Term Premium", (with R. Espinoza), IMF working paper WP/13/85, International Monetary Fund, 2013).
- “The Microfoundations of Default in General Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets,” mimeo, Bank of England, 2001.
- “A Beginner’s Guide to Incomplete Asset Markets, Money and Financial Stability”, mimeo, Bank of England, 2000.
- “Lecture Notes on G.E.I., Money and Financial Stability”, Bank of England Intranet Website, 2000.
- “The European Persistence of Unemployment and the Phillips Curve Relation”, mimeo, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University, 1994.
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