Book Chapters
- Review of "Monastic Economy Across Time", edited by R. Avramov, A. Fotic, E. Kolovos, P. Kotzageorgis, Annual Report, Friends of Mt. Athos, 2022
- “Introduction”, (with A.E. Goodhart) in Financial Stability and Regulation After the 2008-10 Global Financial Crisis, Vol.3, Edited by C.A.E Goodhart and D. P. Tsomocos. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
- “The Lender of Last Resort in a General Equilibrium Framework”, (with A. Kotak and H. Özsoylev), in Financial Stability and Regulation After the 2008-10 Global Financial Crisis, Vol.3, Edited by C.A.E Goodhart and D. P. Tsomocos. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
- “Financial Regulation in General Equilibrium”, (with C.A.E. Goodhart, A.K. Kashyap and A.P. Vardoulakis), in Financial Stability and Regulation After the 2008-10 Global Financial Crisis, Vol.3, Edited by C.A.E Goodhart and D. P. Tso- mocos. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
- “Macro-modelling, Default and Money”, (with C. Goodhart, N. Romanidis, and M. Shubik), with C. Goodhart, N. Romanidis, and M. Shubik), in the Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Central Banking. Edited by David Mayes, Pierre L. Siklos, and Jan-Egbert Sturm. Oxford University Press, 2019
- “Introduction”, (with A.E. Goodhart) in Financial Stability, Vol. 1. Edited by C.A.E. Goodhart and D.P.Tsomocos. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012
- “Introduction”, (with A.E. Goodhart) in Financial Stability, Vol. 2. Edited by C.A.E. Goodhart and D.P. Tsomocos. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012
- "On Modelling Endogenous Default", (with L. Zicchino), in Financial Stability, Vol. 2. Edited by C.A.E. Goodhart and D.P.Tsomocos. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012.
- "Modelling a Housing and Mortgage Crisis", (with C.A.E. Goodhart and A.P. Vardoulakis), in Financial Stability, Monetary Policy and Central Banking. Edited by Rodrigo A. Alfaro. Series in on Central Banking, Analysis and Economic Policies. Central Bank of Chile, 2010.
- "Analysis of Financial Stability", (with C.A.E. Goodhart), in Challenges in Central Banking: The Current Institutional Environment and the Forces Affecting the Conduct of Monetary Policy. Edited by P.L. Siklos, M.T. Bohl and M.E. Bohar. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
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