Dimitrios P. Tsomocos

Conferences & Seminars

Dimitrios has given seminars and presented academic and policy papers in various universities, international organizations and research institutes.

Here is a compilation of the most recent of these (2002 - 2021).


”The Role of Money in Modern Macroeconomic Modelling”, Institute of Inter- national Monetary Research, University of Buckingham, Buckingham. 


‘’Leadership in Extraordinary Times: Does the Covid-19 crisis poses a systemic financial risk”, Virtual Panel, Said Business School, Oxford;
FAME Seminar, Said Business School, Oxford;
“This Time is Different: Economic Policy Challenges in the Time of COVID- 19”, Virtual Panel, I.C.E.F., Moscow;
“Freedom in Eternal Life”, Online Evensong Week 8, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; Athens College S.A.K.A. Webinar, London;
“Financial stability in Europe amid the current crisis”, Delphi Economic Forum webinars, Athens;
X Meeting on Financial Stability, Keynote Lecturer, Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (C.E.M.L.A.), Webinar, Mexico City;
2020 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association (C.E.B.R.A.), London;
“Greece after IV: After the pandemic”, Kyklos Ideon, www.eklyklos.gr, ekyklos, Webinar, Athens;
Cyprus Forum, Nicosia, Cyprus;
World Finance and Banking Symposium, University of Latvia, Riga; Econometric Society Winter Meetings, University of Nottingham, Nottingham. 


University of Nevada at Reno, Reno; Charles University, Prague;
Loughborough University, Loughborough;
Delphi Economic Forum:”The challenge of Inclusive Growth”, Delphi; Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse;
Oxford NuCamp-Said Macro-finance Conference. Money, Credit and Financial Stability, Oxford;
EWET 2019, XVIII European Workshop on Economic Theory, Berlin;
2nd ILMA Workshop, Frontiers of Macroeconomic Research, ‘’Public Debt, Private Debt and Financial Repression,” H.S.E., Moscow;
Summer Workshop in Economic Theory- SWET, Paris;
‘’Macroporudential Policy, Banking Regulation and Financial Stability”, The Second Annual Banking Conference, Brunel University, Uxbridge;
19th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Ischia;

”Macroprudential Policy E↵ectiveness: Theory and Practice,” Second Interna- tional Conference of the Central Bank of Russia, Saint Petersburg;
50th Anniversary of the Money, Macro and Finance Research Group, London School of Economics, London;
2nd Athens Investment Forum, Athens;
XXIV Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network (Keynote Lecture), C.E.M.L.A. and Central Bank of Spain, Madrid;
3rd Conference of Financial Stability, Banco De Mexico, Mexico City; Workshop on Financial Stability, (Keynote Lecture), RIDGE, Banco Central Del Uruguay, Montevideo.

St. Catharines’s Political Economy Seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge;
Bank of England, London Financial Intermediation Workshop, London;
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Port, Porto;
National Bank of Austria, Vienna; 
The Inaugural Oxford Saıd Macrofinance Workshop: Money Creation, Exeter College, Oxford University; 
Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Moscow; 
22nd International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Rethymno; 
International Consulting Economists’ Association, Invited Talk, London; 
XXVII European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory (EWGET 2018), University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris; 
”Memory and Identity, Political Financial and Cultural Aspects of Diaspora Communities”, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford, Oxford;
EAFIT University and Banco de la Republica de Colombia, Medellin; 
Central Bank of Chile, Santiago;
Bank of Slovakia, Bratislava;
Slovak Economic Association Meeting 2018, Bratislava;
”Did Britain have a ”monetarist counter-revolution”? And was it led by Milton Friedman?”, Institute of International Monetary Research 2018, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford;
”Modelling Financial Stability: the implications for real economy”, Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University, Prague;
Econometric Society European Winter Meetings, 2018, Naples;

Bank of Greece, Athens; 
“Outlook for Greece and the Region: Vision 2020-2030”, Delphi Economic Forum, Keynote Speech, Delphi; Swiss Finance Institute, University of Zurich, Zurich; 
Dean’s Seminar, Saıd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford; 
Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens; 
Invited talk, St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, Oxford; 
“Public Debt Markets, Government Expenditures and Fiscal Prudence”, 4th International Conference on Sovereign Bond Markets, National University of Singapore, Singapore; 
Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham; “Insolvency 2017”, Plenary Talk, University of Economics in Prague, Prague; 
2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Hong Kong; 
“New Challenges in Central Banking: Monetary Policy Governance and Macroprudential Issues”, SUERF/BAFFI CAREFIN Centre Conference, Bocconi University, Milan; 
Summer Workship in Economic Theory (SWET 17), Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne-CES&PSE, Paris; 17th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Faro; 
St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, Oxford; 
Joint Research Task Force CEPR, Bank for International Settlements, Basel;
”Towards a National Economic Plan and Growth Strategy”, 2nd Thessaloniki Summit, Thessaloniki; 
Sixth International Moscow Finance and Economics Conference, ICEF-SUHSE, Moscow.

Essex Business School, University of Essex, Essex;
Central Bank of Iran, Tehran; 
1st Universal Banking Conference, Monetary and Banking Institute of the Central Bank of Iran, Kish Island; International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Honorary Lecture, Moscow; 
Koc University, Istanbul; 
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Istanbul School of Central Banking, Istanbul; 
Austrian National Bank; 
Swiss National Bank, Bern; XXV European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, Glasgow; XXXVII Bosphorous Workshop on Economic Design, Istanbul; 
“Financial Policy Workshop, “Macroprudential Policies: Experiences and Challenges”, Central Bank of Chile, Santiago;

“Challenges for Financial Stability in Europe”, Czech National Bank, and Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University, Prague;

L.S.E. F.M.G. Conference in Honour of C.A.E. Goodhart, London;

“The Global Economy after Brexit”, Plenary talk, Institute of Finance, Shanghai.

2015 ASSA Annual Meeting, AEA, Boston;

“Leverage and Financial System Efficiency and Stability: Chinese and International Experiences,” 6th Annual International Conference on the Chinese Economy, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, Hong Kong;

Peking University HSBC Business School, Shenzhen; U.C.L., London;

P.E.F.M. Seminar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford; University of Pireaus;

“Modena-Netspar Conference on Advances in Household Finance,” Modena;

“Regulating Financial Markets,” Research Center SAFE, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main;

“About the Real Growth of the Greek Economy,” Forum 2020, Athens; London Financial Regulation Seminar, L.S.E., London;

XXIV European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, Department of Economics and Statistics, University Federico II, Naples;

XXXVI Bosphorous Workshop on Economic Design, Istanbul;

“Memorial Event in Honour of Monique Florenzano,” School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary, University of London, London;

14th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Cambridge;

University of Buckingham, Buckingham;

Sichuan University; Sichuan;

​Swiss National Bank Conference on “Monetary Policy Lessons from the Financial Crisis,” Zurich;

Invited talk at the “2nd GLOBAL PONTIAN YOUTH FORUM,” (Invited Talk) 2-4 October, Thessaloniki;

Bank of Korea – Yonsei University Conference on “Assessing Financial Stability and the Policy Implications for Central Banks,” Seoul;

Banco de Mexico – C.E.M.L.A. – University of Zurich Conference on “Network Models and Stress Testing and Other Tools for Financial Stability Monitoring and Macroprudential Policy Design and Implementation,” Mexico City;

MMF, University of Portsmouth and Bank of England Workshop on “Macroprudential Policy, Monetary Policy and the Real Economy,” Portsmouth.
2nd L.S.E. Hellenic Forum, London;

I.M.F., Invited Seminar, Washington;

10th Annual Conference on General Equilibrium and its Applications, Yale University, New Haven;

London School of Economics, Financial Regulation Seminar, London;

“How the World has Changed Since the Financial Crisis?” Said Business School, Oxford;

Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory Conference, University of Warwick, Warwick;

XXIII European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, Paris School of Economics – Universite Paris 1 Pantheon – Sorbonne, Paris;

XXXV Bosphorous Workshop on Economic Design, Istanbul;

People’s Bank of China, Beijing; University of International Business and Economics, Beijing;

2014 University of Science and Technology of China Shanghai Financial Summit, Shanghai;

“Micro Foundations for Macro Finance,” Macro Finance Risk Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam; 79th Thessaloniki International Fair, Economic Chamber of Greece, Thessaloniki;

International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Moscow;

National Bureau of Economic Research, Corporate Finance Program, Boston;

“Global Stability and Growth and the State of Economics,” International Conference on Economics – Turkish Economic Association and Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, (Invited Speaker), Antalya;

11th Annual Conference of the Special Edition of ESPE Journal, “Changes in Monetary Policy and Central Banking Over the Past Two Decades,” (Keynote Speaker), Banco de La Republica, Bogota;

Workshop in Financial Economics, International Laboratory of Financial Economics, ICEF-SU-HSE, Moscow; “Central Banks and Global Financial Volatility: Macroeconomic Impact and Structural Challenges,” 2014 Money and Banking Conference, Banco Central de la Republica Argentina, Buenos Aires;

“Regulating Systemic Risk: Insights from Mathematical Modelling,” Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge; ​

Murat Sertel Center for Advanced Studies, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul.

AEA Annual Meeting, San Diego;
"The Debt Crisis in the European South and the Future of the Eurozone," Oxford University Greek Society    Panel Discussion, Oxford;
Luxembourg School of Finance, Luxembourg; Central Bank of Chile;
International Seminar Macroprudential and Monetary Policies, The Bank of Korea, Seoul;
C.C.B.S., Bank of England, London;
"Systemic Risk, Financial Markets and the Post-Crisis Economy," Center for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham;
"Forecasting and Policy Analysis: Which Models do Central Banks Use?", XV Annual Inflation Targeting Seminar, Banco Central Do Brasil, Rio De Janeiro;
XXII European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, The University of Vienna and the Institute of Advanced Studies, Vienna;
2013 Manchester Workshop on Economic Theory, The University of Manchester, Manchester;
Summer Workshop in Economic Theory, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris; 13 th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Paris; 
The RiskMinds Risk & Financial Regulation Forum 2013, (Plenary Keynote Address), Nice;

Municipality of Hefei, China, (Public Talk), Hefei; University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei;

International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Moscow;

Universita' degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples;

Centre of Planning and Economic Research, K.E.P.E., (Invited Keynote Address), Athens;

3rd International Moscow Finance Conference, ICEF-SU-HSE, Moscow;

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Invited Talk, London.


Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford;
Bank of Korea Conference on "Systemic Risk and Financial Stability", Seoul;
"Complements to Basel", Centre of Central Banking Studies and F.M.G., London;
Economic Chamber of Greece, (Pleanary Talk), Corinth;
Aetopoulio Cultural Center, (Plenary Talk), Athens;
"2012 Conference on Modern Greece", The Cambridge University Hellenic Society, Cambridge;
University of Zurich, Zurich;
Central Bank of Cyprus, Nicosia;
"Central Banking: Before, During, and After the Crisis", Federal Reserve Board and the International Journal of Central Banking, Washington, DC;
"Macrofinancial Linkages: Implications for Monetary and Financial Stability
Policies", Bank of Korea-Bank of International Settlements-I.M.F., Seoul;
Bank of England, London;
21st European Workshop of General Equilibrium Theory 2012, Exeter;
Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Dynamics, Limassol;
Banco de la Republica de Colombia, Bogota;
National Bank of Serbia, Belgrade;
10th Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research Summer Workshop, Hong Kong;
International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Moscow;
LACEA-LAMES 2012, Lima;
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, (Dean's Seminar), Oxford;
"2nd International Moscow Finance Conference", (Plenary Talk), ICEF-SU-HSE, Moscow;
Birkbeck College, London;
Hyman P. Minsky Conference on Financial Instability, Levy Economics Institute and ECLA of Bard, Berlin;
London Business School;
"International Seminar on Financial Stability: Financial Stability through Effective Crisis Management and Inter-Agency Coordination," Indonesia Coordination Forum of Financial System Stability, (Plenary Talk), Bali;
University of Indonesia, Jakarta. 


BOK-BIS Conference on "Macroprudential Regulation and Policy", Seoul;
Institute for Monetary and Economic Research, Bank of Korea, Seoul;
"Europe's Debt Crisis: Causes and Outlook", American College of Greece, Athens;
"Measuring Systemic Risk and Issues for Macroprudential Regulation", CCBS-LSE Conference, London;
F.M.G./L.S.E. Workshop on "Issues for Macroprudential Regulation", London;
Banque de France, Paris;
7th Annual Cowles GE Conference, Yale University, New Haven;
"Banking and Financial Post-Crisis", Institute of Finance, University of Leicester and Money, Macro and Finance Research Group, Leicester, 2011;
Korea Institute of Finance, Seoul, 2011;
Bank of Korea, Seoul, 2011;
11th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Faro;
Economic Chamber of Greece, (Pleanary Talk), Athens; XXIst Economic Forum – Krynica 2011;
International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Moscow;
First Conference of the Macro-prudential Research (MaRs) network of the European System of Central Banks, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main;
"Competition, Efficiency and Financial Stability", CCBS Conference, London;
"The First International Moscow Finance Conference", ICEF-SU-HSE, Moscow;
"The Macroprudential Toolkit: Measurement and Analysis", Office of Financial Research and the Financial Stability Oversight Council, Washington, D.C.;
"10th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association", (invited speaker), Athens.

University of York, York;
Tilburg University, Tilburg;
"Systemic Risk, Bank Behaviour and Regulation Over the Business Cycle", Central Bank of Argentina, Buenos Aires;
"Changing Role of Central Banks", Bank of Korea International Conference, Seoul;
19th Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, Crakow University of Economics, Crakow;
"Financial and Economic Crisis: The Return to Stability", Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Athens;
International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Moscow;
Banking Money Conference 2010, Athens;
The International Crisis, the Crisis in the Eurozone and the Greek Financial System Conference, Hellenic Bank Association, Athens;
Conference on "New Theory of Economics and Management", The University of Economics, Prague;
SAET Mini-Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign;
Conference on "Financial Intermediation, Banking and Macro-Stability", LSE "Financial Intermediation, Banking and Macro-Stability Conference", Financial Markets Group and AXA Research Fund, London;
Central Bank of Bulgaria, Sofia.


Keele University, Keele;
Bank of Norway, Oslo;
New Economic School, Moscow;
International College of Economics and Finance, SU-HSE, Moscow;
10th International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow;
5th CARESS-COWLES Conference on General Equilibrium and its Applications, New Haven;
University of Leicester Law School Conference, Leicester;
Toulouse University, Toulouse;
Manchester Business School, Manchester;
18th Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona;
6th Norges Bank Monetary Policy Conference, Norges Bank, Oslo;
3rd International Risk Management Conference, Venice;
9th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Ischia;
8th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, Tinos.


Bank of France, Paris; Gerson Lehrman Group, London;
C.C.B.S., Bank of England, London;
International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Moscow;
University of Bergamo, Bergamo;
Monetary Policy Conference, University of Birmingham, Birmingham;
3rd European Conference on Financial Regulation and Supervision, Bocconi University, Milano;
17th Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, University of Salerno, Paestum; National Technical University of Athens, Athens;
12th CEPR/ESI Annual Conference, Basel;
International Conference: New Theory of Economics and Management of Organizations, University of Economics, Prague;
12th Annual Conference, Central Bank of Chile, Santiago;
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, Urbana;
Financial Services Authority, London;
Gerson Lehrman Group, London. AMASES, Italian Society of academics in Mathematics Applied to Economics, Finance and Actuarial Sciences, Plenary Lecture, Parma;
International College of Economics and Finance SU-HSE, Moscow;
University of Liverpool, Management School, Liverpool;
CESIfo Economic Studies Conference on What's Wrong with Modern Economics?, Munich;
MMF Conference on Understanding and Measuring Liquidity Premia in Asset Markets, London.

ICMA Centre, The University of Reading, Reading; C.C.B.S., Bank of England, London;
3rd CARESS-COWLES Conference on General Equilibrium and its Applications, New Haven;
Bank of England, London;
Central Bank of Hungary, Budapest;
16th Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, Queen Mary, London;
C.C.B.S., Bank of England, London;
8th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Kos;
Third Monetary Policy Workshop in Latin America and the Caribbean, Banco de la Republica de Colombia, Bogota;
Econometric Society Latin American Meeting, Invited Talk, Bogota;
"Developing a Framework to Assess Financial Stability", Bank of Canada, Ottawa. 

Bank of Greece, Athens;
Bank of England, London;
Centre of Central Banking Studies, Bank of England, London;
FMG Conference on Financial Stability: Theory and Applications, London;
Workshop on Financial Risk, Oxford;
2nd Interdisciplinary Symposium: Mathematical Modelling in Modern Technologies and Economics, National Technical University of Athens, Athens;
4th Conference in Actuarial Sciences, Samos; Banco de la Republica de Colombia, Bogota.


A.L.B.A., Vouliagmeni;
Centre of Financial Studies, Frankfurt;
Conference in Honour of R. Aliprantis,
Purdue University, Lafayette;
European Central Bank, Frankfurt;
University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona;
University of Modena, Modena;
University of Pireaus;
1st CARESS-COWLES Conference on General Equilibrium and its Applications, New Haven;
4th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Piraeus;
7th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Vigo;
59th International Atlantic Economic Conference, London. 

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna;
Bank of England, London;
Bank of Norway, Oslo;
Brown University, Providence;
Conference in Honour of Tomasso Padoa-Schioppa, L.S.E., London;
ECOMOD-IIOA Conference, Brussels; EEA, Madrid;
L.B.S.-L.S.E.-Oxford Workshop in Corporate Finance, Oxford;
Purdue University, Lafayette;
Sabanci University, Istanbul;
Society of Economic Design Conference, Mallorca;
University of Athens, Athens;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham;
University of Oxford, Nuffield College, Oxford;
Yale University, New Haven;
3rd Conference in Research in Econometrics and Economic Theory, Syros;
6th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Rhodes;
57th International Banking Summer School, Kos. 

Bank of England, London;
CERMSEM of University of Paris I, Paris;
Conference on Game Theory and its Applications, Mumbai;
L.S.E., London;
University of Oxford, Nuffield College, Oxford;
Yale University, New Haven;
2nd Oxford Finance Symposium, Oxford;
11th Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, Nati onal Technical University of Athens, Athens.

Bank of England, London;
Econometric Society European Meeting, Venice;
Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi;
INSEAD, Fonteneaubleu;
L.S.E., London, 2002
University of Oxford Said Business School, Oxford, 2002;
University of Thessaloniki, 1st IDISIEEP Conference, Thessaloniki;
1st Conference in Research in Econometrics and Economic Theory, Chania;
5th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Ischia;
10th Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, University of Maastricht, Maastricht.